Our Home our Haven

Our Home our Haven

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Someone has come to stay.....
We have a little visitor and his name is Billy.He has come for about 7 weeks in all to have a holiday with us while Mums Neice is in Europe.
Molly is not so pleased but now it is day 4 and they seem to be playing well and at last Molly is sharing her precious Mum with Bill.He is in the dark coat.
 The first night, Billy's Mum said he sleeps at the foot of her bed and so Mum got ready to go to bed ,alas to find he had really made himself at home! It took some doing but at last he went to the bottom of the bed.We think that perhaps Mums sister who died recently and was Billy's owner actually slept with him in the bed and that when he first came to visit he was very confused we think he thinks Mum is Aunty Pat as they look very much alike.
As you can see he was not going to leave much room for Mum lol.Now they are in a routine and he goes to the foot of the bed, we will not want to give him back he is loved already.
Molly has not been turfed out,quite some months ago she decided to come sleep in our room so Mum is happy to have company.Dogs are so intelegent and such fun,life would be boring without these two.


  1. Nice to have you back, Carole. Looks like Billy knows which side his bread's buttered.

  2. I do love to see photos of your darling Mamma and the dogs are so cute. My husband recently confessed to me that he let Ellie sleep on the bed while I was in Thailand.

  3. My cat used to creep into my bed if I let her!

  4. Jessie thinks Billy is very cute!
    Hope you have been keeping well Carole. xxx

  5. Cats, yes. But our dogs, being the size they are, no! They'd break the bed.

  6. They all look very comfortable and content.
    Love from Mum

  7. Hi Carole
    Billy looks cute! Glad your mum is pampering him or is it the other way round!. Thanks for dropping in I haven't been on my blg for along time. Lost my way a bit and thinking too much and questioning too much( mid life I think!) sort of feel unsettled and restless. I hope you are looking after yourself and doing ok and your family iswelltoo x x x

  8. Pets, they are given to us as gifts I think, their love is unconditional and all giving. Your mum looks well as does Mr Billy :-) they are pretty clever !
    Don't stop writing Carole, I know (as you know)that we can sound all to "down" at times but that's life isn't it ? and sometimes putting it down in print gets it out of our head and I think that helps and more often than not we discover that we aren't alone that we have cyber friends that care and that's a comfort to me.
    Bless Carole xoxox your cyber friend (who cares)

  9. Our cat has various choice spots that she decides on. One never knows when she'll be at the foot of our bed.
    Love your pics:)
