Lady Di and Val, my partener in crime,we share the load of our community work.Di is also one of my Treasures girls.

Today we spent the day wrapping this years prizes and gifts for our wonderful "Seniors".This year I had 10 helpers!!! I could not believe it.Many hands make light work.We wrapped and giggled all day long and now we have it all wrapped up as far as my gathering goes. Now I will call at the school each day on my mail run and collect the donations from parents and we will wrap them day by day for the next 2 weeks.
Then we will do the showbags, I get so excited when the businesses call and say they have something for me to give away.
Five years ago I decided to devote five years to our little community never imagining that I would get so much more out of it than I give,so I am going to do it for another 5 years,although I am of the age where I could be attending the event,I am having far too much fun getting it ready so my time will have to wait.
I am so very proud of our little community group.At first we started printing the little free paper called "The Aberdeen Whisper",then a major employer in our town closed down and so our Treasurer had the idea of opening a little op shop to give the women a little something to do,so "Aberdeen Treasures" was born,we are now 10 years old and I have been co-ordinator for the past 5 years,then we decide to start the seniors event ,then we decided to hold a Quilt Extravaganza each year,then we decided the men need something and so "Big Boys Toys" was born to be held each year both the latter being a huge success,we decided in amongst all that to try to get a grant to open an Information Centre in town and guess what we got the grant opened the centre and 3 years on it is still going strong. Whew and as I mentioned before 5 committee members but only 3 workers it is amazing.Almost all of this is done with the help of volunteers. I absolutely love all my girls that help me out,if not for them non of it could happen.
I just thank God that he bought all these beautiful women into my life, they make me realise how important it is to share, how easy it is to be selfish and say "I am too busy". Every day I promise myself to do something for someone, even if it is a smile or a deed it doesn't matter,kidness never killed anyone,and anyway surely if i do good our Heavenly Father will save me a seat on the right,I hope so anyway.
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